domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

Slack line

My new toy, slack-line!

I´m still a beginner, but ... give me some time. The pictures below were taken in Ordesa National Park in the Pyrenees.

Iban trying slackline photo by Maialen.

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008


Bazen behin Jaizkibleuen...

Alda beroketa saioan eta blokero banda guztia giro onean...Ni eskalatu ezinik izorratuta, gutxienez argazki batzuk atera nituen eta arratsalde ederra igaro.

Ginda saiatzen da, baina...
Ander erne burua heltzeko.

Ander gogor ekiten bere proiektuari...

Azkenean lortu du, Ander proiektu gabe gelditzen ari da.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

Finland II

Hello there, crazy Jyvaskilan bouldererers! hope you will enjoy the following pictures. As I told you in the first post all photos are 35mm slides scanned at home. If you are interested in one in particular, tell me and I will order a professional laboratory scan. I will keep on posting...

Tommy in "Helppopelko" at Kymppikivi.

I guess this is "Kymppikivi" isn`t it?

Me and Jyrki spoting